But Scripture tells us over and over again, “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases” (Ps.115:3). He chooses ...
Washington doesn't fit the definition of a deist as a person who sees God as similar to a clockmaker, a being who created the world and set life into motion, watching over events on earth without ...
And certainly, if you read Walter Isaacson’s wonderful new biography of Einstein, you’ll find many evidences of Einstein’s deism. That he did see the hand of God in the fact that mathematics ...
Many scholars say the Revolution was merely the product of Enlightenment deists—rationalists who believed God, like a watchmaker, set the universe running and let people manage it by reason.
"I am a follower of Christ. Christ offers an invitation, not an imposition," he wrote in a text message to the News-Journal.
In June, state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters issued a memo requiring the Bible be taught in Oklahoma public schools, ...
Deism has its roots back in Greek culture. Its followers believe that God exists, but they reject all religions. Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz says this workshop had no scientific basis and he ...
As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, God “put eternity in man’s heart ... with the saccharine sweetness of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. The angry activist often stokes the burning fires ...
A. The different classes of unbelievers are: 1.(1) Atheists, who deny there is a God; 2.(2) Deists, who admit there is a God, but deny that He revealed a religion; 3.(3) Agnostics, who will ...
"God forbid!" muttered Mitchell ... Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto me.' Deist? Bless you, man, I was raised on the milk of the Word. Now, Doctor, the ...
"Our Founders were deists who sought to keep the idea of God and an established religion out of the legal foundation of our democracy," Shapiro said. "As a Rabbi rather than a representative of ...