If God is such a nice guy, why is there so much misery and suffering in the world? Kola Abimbola examines an ancient problem. One of the principal challenges to the ...
Having to face new, foreign, or simply different ways of thought is not an exclusively 20th Century experience: “You cannot put charcoal and ice in the same container,” once declared an 12th Century ...
Gordon Marino explains how we talk ourselves out of doing the right thing. There is a strong movement afoot calling for more ethics classes, workshops and review boards. The presumption is that our ...
Phil Badger tries to make sense of a tangle of pride, identity and metaphysics. “If you believe yourself a citizen of the world then you are a citizen of nowhere.” UK Prime Minister Theresa May, ...
Pablo Cevallos Estarellas reviews the developments that caused professional to triumph over amateur philosophy in education, and proposes a way forward. If to do philosophy is to ask questions of a ...
Van Harvey says it is possible to live meaningfully without a higher purpose. “Or again we could say that the man is fulfilling the purpose of existence who no longer needs to have any purpose except ...
Raymond Tallis on the natural philosophy of the caress. It’s gripping stuff! We humans are unique and cannot be fully explained in biological terms. So, at least, I have argued in several books, ...
Let us begin by interpreting the ideal of liberty as a negative ideal in the manner favored by libertarians. So understood, liberty is the absence of interference by other people from doing what one ...
Matt Qvortrup explains how the Enlightenment’s leading philosopher went looking for a bit of peace. The newspaper Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen was slightly sarcastic when it wrote about Immanuel Kant ...
Vincent Di Norcia theorizes how morality is generated by how the brain works. “The time has come for ethics to be removed temporarily from the hands of the philosophers and biologicized.” Damasio does ...
As a defender of amorality, I am continually challenged by two allegations: egoism and relativism. But both are bogies. Let me explain why. That an amoralist would be an egoist seems to follow from ...
Dane Gordon on the friends of Epicurus. Epicureanism may be distinguished as a philosophy in two somewhat lamentable ways. It has possibly been vilified more than any other, a practice which began ...